Gratitude Abounds at BVCS

Psalm 136: 1 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.”

When school had to close for on-campus instruction in the spring of 2020, our staff was so bummed not to be with our students face-to-face. After a few months of distance learning, I was curious to hear from our staff and see what God was doing in them during this uncertain, challenging season. I was blown away by the thanks that the staff gave to the Lord, even when they faced disappointments and difficulties. Here are some examples: 

  • I am grateful for the extended time I have been able to use to be in God’s Word, in prayer and in community.

  • God’s goodness - Through this time it would be easy to question God but I’m grateful that He is good and He does all things for our good. 

  • I’m grateful for God’s provision. He is so good! My family is well, my church family is well, my school family is well. God gives abundantly, and in the process...grows His people. He’s growing me. I love that!

  • Goofy, sweet family time; unhurried time in God’s Word; fabulous school families who are giving their best to help their children continue to learn.

  • That the Lord has taken care of my family - good health and continued employment. I’m thankful for awesome parents in my class who work with their kids and cooperate with me. Super thankful for my aid who has kept our class connected through facetime. She is awesome! :)

  • I am grateful that in this season I have seen the Hand of God fulfill his promises to me. I have seen him move mountains in my life. I am grateful for Zoom! Oh, how I love to connect with the kids and see their sweet faces. I am grateful to be a part of BVCS!

  • I have seen God’s mercy and grace in my life and in my Grandmother’s life this past week in special ways, answers to prayer! 

  • I am grateful for my relationship with the Lord. I could NOT do life on this earth without Him. I am also thankful for the leadership of Big Valley Grace Church and School.  

The Big Valley Difference...a team of people who desire to follow Christ and serve His people, even when it’s hard! How about you? What’s one thing you can give thanks for ,even through this challenging season?  Let us know by replying to this email!


Dedicated to What We CAN Do!


The Big Valley Difference