March - May of 2020 made something crystal clear: most children learn best and thrive socially/emotionally in community with caring staff and peers

When we were told in July that we couldn’t have our TK - 12th grade students on campus with their teachers, we were so discouraged. We knew this wasn’t the best choice for children. This was very hard news to receive, but one thing was certain: giving up wasn’t an option. 

We knew we had to come up with a plan to move forward to offer an on campus option for our students. There were meetings, discussions, debates, long hours and difficult decisions. The BVCS team swung into action, rolled up their sleeves and began the massive hiring, training, scheduling and planning all around Day Camp and COVID-19 guidance.  A LOT of time was spent by the BVCS team preparing for the next opening, the possibility of a waiver, the next tier change, the next phase. A LOT of time was spent reading through pages and pages of governmental guidance and trying to clearly understand, communicate and implement the COVID protocols so our families could be allowed the choice of sending their children to campus. It wasn’t easy to navigate this uncharted territory AT ALL, but giving up wasn’t an option.

From August 12 - September 11, elementary students had the choice to attend Distance Learning Day Camp pods on campus while their teachers taught remotely. Junior High and High School Day Camp pods lasted a little longer: until October 28 when Stanislaus County went into the red tier. 

Finally on November 2, everyone finally had the choice to come to campus for in person, on campus instruction. Because giving up wasn’t an option, over 100 staff members were able to keep working at BVCS. Over 500 families could keep on working at their jobs and running their businesses. Over 720 students could come to campus and learn with their teachers and peers. Giving up would have been easy, but it wouldn’t have been the best for children. Giving up simply wasn’t an option. 

Instead of giving up, the BVCS team has been busy learning three important lessons over the last 11 months:

  1. God is with us, He is for us and He gives us the strength to face the challenges.

  2. We must do hard things for the right reasons!  Making a way for children to learn in community, for families to continue to work and for our staff to keep their jobs was vital in supporting our community.

  3. Doing hard things is a whole lot better when we do them together. Being unified in mission and purpose is essential to surviving and thriving during hard seasons.

Instead of giving up, we had to be strong and courageous, knowing that the Lord is with us (Joshua 9). For those of you who have lived through this crazy season with us, thank you! For those of you considering being a part of BVCS, we can’t wait until you join us! For those of you who are worn out from all of the COVID ups and downs, we understand! Don’t give up! We pray that you will take strength in the Lord, in His Word and in His loving grace. 

How can we pray for you? Let us know.


Big (Valley) Dreams!


Dedicated to What We CAN Do!