Training Up Children

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Parents have a wonderful call to train up their children for the Lord! We are honored that a family would entrust Big Valley Christian School to come alongside to assist in a child’s biblical training.  We recognize our responsibility as a school is to uphold the sanctity and integrity of the family while providing a biblically-centered education. 

But what specific biblical principles do we believe and teach as a ministry? I want to invite you to learn more by watching a video series, created by our own campus pastor, Scott Elliott. This video series is a tool he created for staff training this year. In the parent-school relationship, we believe that parents are biblically obligated for the education of their children. With that, we believe that these videos will be a great tool to help you more deeply understand what BVCS believes and teaches.


Watch the video series here:


Living Out Our Mission at Hume Lake


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