Three Core Building Blocks in Christian Education

Our mission is to nurture and equip students to make an impact in the world for Jesus Christ. We believe that our Lord commanded us to preach the Gospel and to make disciples of all nations and that every believer is to be a witness for Jesus Christ, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit; and that we are responsible to pray for, support, and send missionaries (our students!) into all the world. 

With the Great Commission in mind, we strive to provide each student with a Christ-centered, college and career preparatory education with three building blocks at the core:

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, born of a virgin, sinless, crucified for our sins, resurrected from the dead, ascended to heaven, and coming back again to establish His Kingdom on earth. The educational goals at Big Valley Christian School are designed to foster and complement a student’s development in four areas: spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically.  These areas parallel the growth of Jesus Christ as expressed in Luke 2:52, “And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” 

A Biblical Philosophy of Education

Big Valley Christian School believes the Bible is the key component in all education.  It provides a unifying frame for every subject and it gives life and power to the entire curriculum. BVCS supports the biblical truth that parents are responsible to train their children.  With the cooperation of home and church, it is the school’s focus to instill in each student the moral strength, spiritual insight, and academic integrity to live his or her life as a responsible citizen and an effective Christian. 

Evangelism & Discipleship

Big Valley Christian School's biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christ-like.  We believe that the Church is an institution that should be part of every young person's life.  

In Preschool - 8th grade, we do not require church attendance for admissions and continued enrollment.  However, we strongly urge our students and parents to join and attend a church that recognizes Jesus Christ as Lord, teaches the authority and perfection of the Bible, and emphasizes the application of biblical principles for daily living.  

In high school, we shift to a discipleship model. High school students must have a personal testimony to their faith in Jesus Christ and attend Church as a requirement for admission and continued enrollment. 

Big Valley Christian School acts in a supportive role to reinforce the Christian training in the home.  This is accomplished through daily Bible instruction, a biblically integrated curriculum, weekly chapels, prayer, scripture memorization, and the encouragement to attend church.   In all classrooms, at all levels, students will hear the Gospel and learn how to share it with others.

It is the goal of Big Valley Christian School to encourage, support, and reinforce the family in the areas of church attendance, biblical standards of conduct, discipline, as well as honor and respect for parents.  In addition, it is the school’s desire to assist and cooperate closely with parents in the academic and character development of the student. How can we better partner with you? We’d love to hear from you!


Remembering to Put God and His Kingdom First
