Lessons from the Roller Coaster

I bet you’d agree with me that this last year (March 2020 - March 2021) has been a roller coaster of a ride. I, for one, LOVE roller coasters. But I’m not sure I’d get on one that lasted over 365 days…

Regardless of how this COVID coaster is making us all feel, there are some great lessons that have been learned through all the twists and turns….

Lesson #1: God deserves all the glory. The Lord has provided in amazing ways during these challenging times. All our BVCS staff have been able to continue working. Our families are fantastic supporters of our mission - we are grateful for their sacrifice of time, talent and treasure!

Lesson #2: Unity matters. Every challenge that has come our way has been overcome by God’s grace and united teamwork. Being open on campus has been a HUGE undertaking!

Lesson #3: People need community. It is a blessing to have over 700 students on campus, learning with their teachers and playing with their friends. 

Lesson #4: There’s something special about BVCS. New families are more eager than ever to find the right school fit for their children. Over 70 new students enrolled and started attending BVCS since November 2020. Enrollment for 2021-2022 is up by 5%. Families are longing for what BVCS has to offer: a place where students are nurtured and equipped to impact the world for Jesus!

Lesson #4: God is doing amazing things through His ministry and His people. Some recent examples are:

  • On February 19th we baptized two 4th grade students.

  • We resumed live chapels for elementary students.

  • Junior high is now together for chapel each week.

  • High School Chapel: High school students rotate in and out of live chapels as upper and lower classmen every other week.

  • Global Reach: Our team is fully funded for their trip to the Dominican in June.

  • The preschool department has been making thank you cards for staff at all 3 major hospitals in Modesto. They will make cards from now to the end of the school year.

  • Elementary hosted their own BVCS Elementary Spelling Bee. 

  • Junior High Leadership has been planning fun events to keep students involved and provide some fun around campus.  

  • Our high school Senior Advisors are working on end-of-the-year activities to give students something to look forward to.  

  • High school cross country and golf got to compete and our league was the first to host a CIF event this year in Stanislaus County in cross country. 

  • We had 4 football players sign letters of intent to play football - all of them at Arizona Christian.  8 students total this year have signed letters of intent.

If your family is longing for what BVCS has to offer - a place where students are nurtured and equipped to impact the world for Jesus - learn more by visiting our website.


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