Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

How many of you can agree that March 2020 seems like a lifetime ago? As two weeks of closure quickly became the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, our staff  jumped into action to provide educational and spiritual distance learning options for our Big Valley Christian School community.  Countless ups and downs, twists and turns, state and county mandates, recommendations, guidance documents, protocols, tiers and meetings kept us busy, to say the least. 

By far the question I’ve been asked the most since August is: How did Big Valley Christian School open on campus on August 12, 2020 in the middle of a pandemic when other schools weren’t opening? It’s one of my favorite questions, because I get to tell people about God’s faithfulness, the love that the BVCS staff has for their school community and the unity that the BVCS team has together in Christ. 

So how did BVCS open school on August 12, 2020 in the middle of a pandemic....with a mandate from the governor prohibiting in-person, on-campus instruction? It certainly wasn’t easy, but it has completely been worth it. It’s time to share our story, to proclaim God’s faithfulness and celebrate a team of Christian educators who navigated crazy obstacles during challenging times - and still do. It will take some time to unpack our story. So much has happened, but one thing is for sure - you’ll be amazed! Join us as we share the story of God’s faithfulness to BVCS over the last nine months. We’ll begin next week...

Learn more about the Big Valley Christian School campus and all the we can offer your child!


Making History, Even When It’s Hard


BVCS Frequently Asked Questions