What Does BVCS Do About Behavior Issues?

Since returning back to campus after the COVID shutdown and the less than normal return to school in 2020-2021, we are very aware that COVID has had its toll on students (and parents and staff!). Part of what we are seeing in the 2021-2022 school year in our BVCS students and across schools nationwide is an increase in poor behavior choices. Many students lost out on significant social/emotional developmental growth due to the impact of COVID. So, what is BVCS doing about these behaviors?

  1. Praying...Our students need our prayers! Our staff cooperatively prays for our student body every week. 

  2. Paying Attention...Our students need our attention! When a child is struggling with behavior choices, we meet with them and often their parents, to get to the heart issue behind the behavior.

  3. Correcting...Our students need to be corrected! When behavior happens, there are consequences. Often, we see consequences work together to help a student recognize their heart issue and correct their behavior. Students may receive a warning, detention, suspension with a behavior contract. Students may also need to sit before a discipline review panel if the behavior warrants a higher level of intervention, accountability, and restoration.

  4. Communicating….The staff communicates our Christ-centered beliefs and values in classrooms, in small group discussions, in one-on-one meetings, and in discipleship moments with students and parents. We communicate a God-centered worldview in Bible and Chapel, in counseling meetings, and in discipline review panels. And we will communicate our expectations to our students - as we did last Friday. 

The following is the “script” used by Mrs. Mott (in Junior High) and Mr. Ray (in High School) in last Friday’s Chapel:

Big Valley Christian School’s mission, the mission of the adults on our campus, is to nurture and equip students to impact the world for Jesus Christ. What about students? What is your mission? We want to challenge you today to be take up the mission to create an amazing school climate.

But first….what is school climate? School climate refers to the quality and character of life on our school campus

The teachers, the staff, the directors, and the administrators at BVCS all have an important role to play in our school’s climate. They are here to provide you with a safe, excellent Christ-centered education where you can all grow and learn. We are here to nurture and equip you to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

And students, YOU are also responsible for our school’s climate. Every one of your choices - your actions and attitudes - on our campus affects our climate. 

So we have some questions:

  • Are your actions and attitudes unsafe or safe?

  • Are your actions and attitudes inappropriate or appropriate?

  • Are your actions and attitudes unkind or kind?

  • Are your actions and attitudes foolish or wise?

  • Are your actions and attitudes disrespectful or respectful of others?

  • Are your actions and attitudes causing discord or do they promote unity?

  • Are your actions and attitudes growing more like the world or more Christ-like?

Students: If you are making choices that build up the quality and character of life on the BVCS campus, we want to thank you for being on a mission!  A mission to create an amazing school climate. We notice you and we truly appreciate the Christ-like attitude you model to others.

If you are a part of making choices that tear down and tear apart the quality and character of our school’s life -  stop it

If you are you are using bad language or being physically aggressive... a part of bullying or gossiping (in person and or on Instagram/social media)... a part of being disruptive in class, disrespectful in your attitude and actions, or refusing to follow basic rules like cleaning up after yourself and dress code…. 

It’s time to start taking accountability for your choices. Consider your actions, consider your attitudes. 

Students, you can be on mission -  starting today - to build into and build up the quality and character of life at BVCS 

  • by being Safe

  • by being Appropriate

  • by being Kind

  • by being Wise

  • by being Respectful of others

  • by being Unified

  • by choosing to grow in Christ

Again, we want to challenge you, start living out a mission to create an amazing school climate, where every one of us is taking responsibility to build into and build up the quality and character of life at BVCS.

You may be wondering why we chose to share this. We believe that the home-school partnership is one of the most important relationships we can build. You, parents, have your own vision and mission for your child and you have graciously entrusted BVCS to help you as your raise your child up for the Lord. So today, we shared with you the talk we had with our students so you can see how they are being encouraged to lead well and choose to grow in Christ-likeness. Our prayer is that the Lord will continue to shine a light and guide each one of us as we disciple our students spiritually, socially, emotionally, and academically through the challenges of a fallen world. We are truly grateful for your prayers and the conversations that continue at home. Thank you!


It’s Time for Us to DO Something!


Be Still and Surrender?