Hope For Today

On March 9th of 2020 a student asked me if I thought this moment in time would go down in history. At the moment, I didn’t think so. Little did I know, that over the next week our churches would stop meeting in person, our schools would be closed and we would be asked to shelter in place. The reaction of our country to the virus was unprecedented. For many, the pandemic has been devastating, not just because of the loss of life, but because of lost jobs, resources and opportunities. We have also seen many use this as an opportunity to show care for others by helping to meet their needs. But in the midst of the good and bad, many are left with fear. Uncertainty, ambiguity and speculation have all led people to sit in state of overwhelming anxiety. Where is our hope? There is only one answer… Jesus.

Often times when we speak of hope we talk about something we want to happen, or think might happen, but it’s not much more than wishful thinking. I’m not talking about that kind of hope. The Bible speaks of a hope that is certain. It’s a hope that we can be confident about. We can have assurance of this hope. Christian hope is unlike any other hope in the world. Christian hope brings with it peace and joy.

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
— Romans 8:24-25

It is true that our hope is in something unseen, but the invisible nature of it should make us long for it all the more. Heaven is a real place, but the reason we should want to be there is not simply to escape this world. The best thing about heaven will be that we see Jesus face to face. Heaven will be an amazing place because Jesus, the Prince of Peace will be there. Jesus promised to return soon and I can’t wait to see him! 1 Thessalonians 4:18 says that we are to encourage each other with these words… words about his return.

For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God...
— 1 Thessalonians 4:16

We have an incredible future hope that should motivate us to persevere through difficult times like we are facing at this moment. But let us not forget, that while we wait for Jesus to return, he is also here with us now. If you have faith in Jesus, then he is with you and his Spirit lives within you. That means that when you’re home alone, you’re not really alone. When you start to be afraid you have no reason to fear. When worry crowds in let Jesus push it out. Allow his peace to take hold of your life. Allow his presence to reassure you of his quiet and gentle love. Jesus loves you very much. We have a great hope and nothing to fear. He is with you today as you read this if you only have faith in him.

Learn more about Big Valley Christian School and the hope with have in Jesus!


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